
DInvestors.com (the "Website") is designed to provide information to the general public about Disciplined Investors, LLC (the "Firm") and to be a source of general information regarding the Firm and its investment and financial planning services. The information on the website is not advice nor a recommendation to any recipient and the information is not intended to be used as such. Any reader should seek advice regarding their particular accounts, investments and transactions from a financial advisor before making investment decisions. The firm does not provide legal or tax advice and readers should consult a legal or tax professional for such advice.

This website and any links from the website may contain opinions and/or rely on information from third party sources believed to be reliable. The Firm makes no guarantee or representation that the material used or relied upon is accurate. All information and opinions may change or become outdated without notice.

All investments involve risk. Past results do not guarantee future performance. There is no guarantee that any investment will return a particular performance result or a better performance result over another investment option.

The Firm is a registered investment adviser. Registration does not imply any level of skill or training. The information on this website has not been approved or verified by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or by any state securities authority. Additional information about the Firm is available on the SEC's website at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov.

Disciplined Investors

100 North Sixth Street, Suite 500
Waco, Texas 76701
© Disciplined Investors, LLC
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Securities offered through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. | Member FINRA/SIPC.
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