
401 (k) Solutions

We offer a comprehensive 401(k) Plan solution
for companies of all sizes.
Corporate Retirement Solutions

Disciplined Investors, L.L.C offers a comprehensive 401(k) Plan solution for companies of all sizes. We do this through an "open architecture" design that allows us to help the Plan Sponsor select mutual funds that are the best fit for the organization. We generally attempt to use a mixture of both index-based funds and actively managed mutual funds to comprise the fund line-up. As is standard with most our 401(k) plans, we offer the following services through our asset based fee structure:

  • Overall consultation for Plan design to ensure the Plan is meeting the goals and objectives from a Human Resources and management perspective.
  • Education and training sessions with groups of employees to educate participants on savings, retirement, and investing principles.
  • One-on-one meetings with employees requesting individualized specific advice concerning any financial matter.
  • Selecting and monitoring mutual funds from an open architecture network of thousands of mutual fund choices.
  • Establishing a customized Investment Policy Statement (IPS) that provides a roadmap for selecting, monitoring and replacing funds within the 401(k) Plan.
  • Benchmarking the mutual funds and plan expenses on an annual, semi-annual or quarterly basis using independent-analysis software that coordinates with the customized IPS.
  • Creating and managing five model portfolios based upon varying asset allocation targets.
  • Writing quarterly reports to communicate model portfolio performance and provide information regarding the overall financial markets.
  • Help the plan sponsor establish an investment committee and coordinate investment committee meetings as deemed necessary by each organization.

As Fiduciaries, we help plan sponsors with compliance and provide education and advice (not just recommendations) for all 401(k) participants.

As described above, we perform fund reviews using Morningstar software to help analyze mutual fund choices to ensure they are meeting the prescribed standards we established in the individualized Investment Policy Statement (IPS). The IPS is essentially the roadmap and strategic direction that we help craft for each plan.

As part of the fund review, we perform a fee reasonableness study and benchmark comparison of fees and services to ensure that our clients are receiving a high value for the services that are being provided.

Our fee structure is based entirely upon assets under management. All 12-b1, sub-TA, or revenue-sharing fees are rebated back to the plan to help offset record-keeping or advisory fees.

Please contact us if you desire a proposal or plan comparison.


  • Profit sharing plans
  • Defined benefit plans
  • 401(k) plans
  • IRAs (individual retirement accounts)
  • SEP (simplified employee pension) plans
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Securities offered through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. | Member FINRA/SIPC.
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