Your Benefits

A combination of independence, comprehensive service, and client focus sets us apart. As an independent Registered Investment Advisor, we provide the best advice for each client’s specific situation and needs without concerning ourselves with the agenda of a parent company. We treat our clients as individuals and not numbers.

Our Fees

One of our investment philosophies is that it is important to keep fees and expenses low. This influences our investment choices and fee structure.

As "Fee-Only" advisors, we are compensated solely by the clients we serve and receive no compensation through commissions or transactional business. We also do not receive compensation from mutual fund companies through "soft dollar" agreements or 12b-1 fees. 

Our fee structure is based upon the assets under management, with the fee percentage decreasing as the level of assets increases.

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Securities offered through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. | Member FINRA/SIPC.
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